It seems that if one is not a 'serious blogger' life interferes with any creative blogging that might be on the computer.
Thursdays seem to have become the day of Calligraphy and we continue that tradition to keep us constant and focussed. I shall create moments of creative calligraphy insights with other bits and pieces in between.
Coming to the end of a year of more calligraphy I have split the final sessions into 2 week modules to keep students interested and creative.
Small Book Gems
These are concertina books, folded paper books, flag books, in fact anything which creates a book-like structure which can be read as a book.
My grandchildren love books which can be opened like a concertina and used for imaginative play and colouring in. In fact the colouring in was fortuitous as I had made three little 'hole-y' books as small gifts when I visited them leaving no time for me to colour. Good omission as everyone was happy to use crayons and kokis to make the pull-out exciting. Of course these are ideal cards for gifts too AND quick and easy to make. Add a pretty paper cover and some ribbon and there you have a complete card (which costs much less than any card in a store).
Twirls & Swirls. Remaking Marks.
Ever since my father read from Rudyard Kipling's Just So Stories and especially How the Alphabet was Made, I have been fascinated by letter shapes and forms. In this 2 session course we explore various tools and sticks to create a background for shapes and letter forms. A loose and creative way to place strokes in a more formal manner to create a personal alphabet. Holidays in the Air.
Always fun to create cards and book marks for friends using strips of paper, colour and collage.
Again use up paper left over from a larger project. Experiment with brush lettering. Use colour.
In other words, just have a little fun.
In other words, just have a little fun.
Perhaps ask a friend what her favourite quote is and write it out. Use various techniques.
Enjoy the tips and ideas.
Till next time.
Remember there are no mistakes in your creative endeavours.
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