Saturday, July 1, 2023

Another Test Post

 Hello there (this is a test)

Another lovely morning filled with ideas and delightful chuckles.
What I got out of our chat:
  1. We meet twice a month (generally at my studio or Zoom if easier for you).
  2. First session: Friday 21 July. 9h45. Refreshments available.
  3. A-M to start the 'editing' process using Microsoft tracker
  4. SLM to pull July '22 to July 23 off the computer (or was that A-MM? (Please confirm). We will then merge the documents and proceed with adding chapters etc
  5. We may find that the chapter headings open to us during this process
  6. We should aim to have 2 retreats in 2024 (if I haven't 'popped' by then: 1 Dullstroom, the other perhaps Emoyeni?
  7. A-M to restart/setup Blog. Perhaps DH could access that too (or not) in future?
  8. Thanks for the book which as you will have seen is paid for and which I shall start this afternoon. I feel like being 'Gothic' today in the light of my 'considerably diminished hearing' and scrape down the side of my car.
  9. Suggestion: that you join online Creative Calligraphy online from Thursday 3 August to Thursday 31 August. 17h30 - 19h00. (my Rosh Hashanah gift to you - or something).
I will communicate with you before I leave. Have a good meal with your mother.
As always. thank you.
May be an image of text

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