Sunday, June 2, 2013

Time and Creativity

There is never 'no time' to add a colour or quote to a creative page. Sitting chatting to a friend [not face to face] but at home is a great way to 'doodle' a design. While you wait to have coffee with a friend, take out your note pad and scribble.

Just as many people I know have nut and sweet bowls scattered around the house, I have several 'creative stations'. One next to my bed, another in the studio, one more on my mother's desk and another in the computer room.

My absolute essential tools are: pencils, anything from HB to 4B, pencil crayons: GOOD pencil crayons, Karisma and Derwent are just two of my favorite colour pencil crayons sets. Black fine-liners and fountain pens I find are useful for out lining and creating lines on which to write, curl and flourish. At some of the 'creative stations' I have scissors, glue and beautiful scraps of paper, fabric and even felt. Watercolours also beckon, especially in my studio. I also have several rolls of pens, pencils and colors which I can pop into my handbag with a small notebook in case I need to write or draw a quick figure or highlight a colour. I discovered wonderful pen rolls at my local art store and I bought a number which had nasty paint brushes which are good for mixing colours and some even for glue. I turf out the brushes I don't need and use the rolls for my own bits creative bits and pieces.

My two granddaughters have no trouble finding paper, scissors and colour to create a card or simple concertina book. They simply gather up what they need, sit down and make.

So I really have no excuse for adding a quote or line to my creative diary. Why not set up your creative stations as soon as possible, you will find them much more useful than nuts and raisins. In fact they will become your essential 'nuts and raisin' necessity and help you become creative in both writing and drawing.

Happy creating.
A few 'nuts & raisins' for the girls

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Creative Journals

Every year I create a journal/diary which is important for me to make notes on creative thoughts, ideas, colours, words and so on.

This year I was given a ready-made journal by my friend Sam who is also a writing partner. So instead of creating backgrounds with pages that need binding I had an 'almost complete' book.

The exciting thing is that now I don't have to do the 'heavy' work and simply need to create designs, add ideas and of course write.

I use many prompts for the 'muse to descend'. Oracle cards, poetry, Pinterest [of course] together with walks, found articles from nature and anything else that will help me start creating.

 Front Cover - altered to fit in with my personal likes
 Adding lines, writing and colour to the background
Some of the materials I use: watercolours, pencil crayons, prompt cards

These are the first few pages of this 2013 diary. I hope you start one too.