Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another Week

Last week was more discussion than writing. Old photographs were tenderly pulled out of envelopes and stories wove from lips to paper in intense interplay.

Our reference was the Cavafy poem on Ithaca. A poem of travel and journey. One that all of us encounter in one way or another.

'Have Ithaca always in your mind. Your arrival there is what you are destined for. But don't in the least hurry the journey. Better it last for years'..........

Write a few sentences about yourself: When you were age 12, 18, 30 and now. Write in the third person.

Taken from a hill in Dullstroom Mmpumalanga

May your journey be long and filled with adventure.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Memories & Moments continued

The evocation of memories is not something magical or even very difficult - a photograph, a song, a scent can send one on a wonderful meander through memory lane.

This past week the group fingered photographs which crumbled on the edges and filtered memories through the years. Memories which may even have been a figment of our imagination.

With St Valentine's day off the 2011 calendar already, why not write about a 'love-moment' you have experienced or perhaps use the prompt below?

As he gave me the rose, he turned and walked down the gravel path.............................

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Memoirs & Moments

Well the creativity has begun and Wednesday mornings will be filled with the sound of pencil on paper for the next few weeks.

Czeslaw Milosz write and Nobel prizewinner, who died at 94 said: 'I lived in a time when huge change in the contents of the human imagination was occuring.........  This was the starting point of the Wednesday Memoir and Moments writing group.

After reading more of the quotation we settled into discussion and some quiet writing time.

From there we did a 'pencil labyrinth' walk with more discussion and writing and finally did a quick 'Intention collage' for our writing in the next few weeks. The group left stimulated and prepared to write, write and write some more.

Writing exercise:
She strolled down the path. As the pebbles crunched beneath her sandals she heard .................