Monday, October 22, 2012


Writing is an exciting past time, especially when a writing partner is part of the journey.

My friend Sam and I write together over mail and occasional writing workshops.We share books, quotes and blogs. Writing sites, poems and mentors.

At the moment we are reading 'radical' stories of women mystics like Hildegaard and Julian of Norwich. Sam gave me the new Mary Sharatt novel Illuminations, which is historically accurate, well written and - dare I say this - illuminating.

Mixed into this pot-puorrie of stories are some tarot cards, David Whytte and of course John O'Donahue. To make our path more exciting we have drawings, meditations and rote learning to add spice to our work. All to open up our 'mystical' side, which in the modern world of iPhones and iPads is often well hidden.

Our time together is precious and we hold each other together through e-mail, an occasional coffee and even more occasional call.

This Saturday we work together with Dorian on a collage of intent. I look forward to the quiet and to seeing what we produce.

No doubt our journey will be long with a few lush oasis stops as a reward along the way which will be re-created in a kaleidoscope of words and images.