Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Of Book Stores & Selling

Well the hype has hyped and it's now the week after the launch and sales, while most pleasing need to be expanded.

So what better thing to do than visit some books stores. All very well if you are promoting other people's books. So different if they are your own words!

Well the cover is exciting and the content acceptable, so what's the stumbling block? Simply that the book is poetry and 'poetry doesn't sell'. Well this is more than a poetry book. It is a 'how to' poetry book and surely that is a little more encouraging? Who knows - only sales will tell.

Fortunately there are agents who deal with most of this sort of distribution [and person]. Suddenly shop owners who were once friendly to customers become aloof and difficult to contact! Sigh - a most interesting situation to be in!

Anyway - the book remains 'out there' and I wait to hear the sound of resounding success.

'Nana' reading page 10 of Sketch Your Year in Poetry'

Books available in some Gauteng bookstores otherwise from the author [that's me] or Porcupine Press.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Book Launch

The Cover and the book
What an experience to see one's book on display in the stores

Hazel and Anne-Marie in a pensive moment. Hazel, a special friend, calligrapher, artist, author was my 'co-host' for the evening. I read poems, chatted to Hazel and we shared some gentle moments.
 Nana's greatest fan - Rachel holding up Sketch Your Year in Poetry. The girls were helpful and delightful adding some real moments to the evening. With friends and family, guests and colleagues, a delightful gentle evening was shared.
The 'Author' signing books. What fun! 
Book available from the author or www.porcupinepress.co.za

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Poetry Reading

It's all very well having a launch - and while I really don't mind talking to and interacting with people, in fact I really enjoy it, the very thought of presenting one's 'own work' is another story altogether.

Daunting is the word I use. But, the launch is set - for 1 December 2010. At Love Books [if you would like to join us please respond 'tout suite' as we need numbers for catering].

What wonderful support I've had from friends far and near. My overseas pals have sent such wonderful encouraging notes. Many of my 'here' friends are joining me for the launch. I have decided to have a small 'event' with candles, flowers, good 'finger food' [not fingers] and of course good wine - oh, not forgetting real lemonade for those who don't imbibe. Perhaps there will even be a surprise or two.

A great friend of mine - who is also a calligrapher and writer [much more famous than I] will sit with me as I read a few chosen poems. This I have been told is expected, the poetry reading that is. We will hopefully discuss them and the creative process as well.

So I leave now, to choose the poems and make sure I know what I'm trying to do. I add a photograph of myself on the dunes at De Hoop - the freedom of the air and sea is what I wish for you.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sketch Your Year in Poetry

I have in my hand the proof copy of my first poetry book. I've had books published before. Calligraphy books which have done well for me. But somehow, these were 'easier' as I am extremely familiar with the subject.

Poetry, on the other hand is subjective and personal. Once the first poem you have written is handed over to the first reader, the words are no longer your own. It's as if you are sending your first child to school. You give up responsibility to someone else to interpret and nurture. It's downright nerve wracking waiting for the 'first report'.

I am overwhelmed by the support of my family and their incredible talents. Elizabeth has worked with me throughout with the layout and design of the book, John did the cover and inside illustrations, Dave was the 'word merger' whenever I stumbled about for the correct nuance. Of course David was the master 'fine-tooth-comber'. Thank you!!!

Now the book is done and fine detailed corrections are made. Then on Monday the 'sign off' occurs and then the book is on its own.

The launch is in the first week of December. Hope you will be there!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Of Books and Publishers

Well at last my book is at the printers. People always talk about a book being like giving birth. Well giving birth may well be what I've done over the last few years - more like having a baby elephant really.

The to-ing and fro-ing, from publisher to book designer, to book cover designer [both of those happened to be my children - Elizabeth and John respectively]. Oh and don't forget the editors [yes, more than one]. In fact once you hand your book over to 'the other side' [hear spooky music] it is no longer yours and you as author had better realise that very quickly!

I suppose it's a Good Thing, because the poems are no longer your own once they have been 'sent out there'. They become the readers very own. AND that is one thing that authors should realise very quickly. Once the book is out of your hands it is not longer your own and so I suppose that makes any criticisms that much easier to accept.

The launch of the book will be in the first week of December so please keep your eyes open for 'Sketch Your Year in Poetry' soon after that.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Interviews and New Ideas

Once again I sat in front of my notes tearing my finger nails, hoping that I 'wouldn't let the side down' in my interview with Jenny C-W of radio 702.

It's always interesting waiting to be interviewed - the radio station calls and you are put on hold and listen to the end of the interview before yours and then......you're ON!

Apparently all went well and once again CE was 'on the air' and advertised. While I cannot say that we've had any response - I did have fun.

Creative Escapes has connected with the Allaboutwriting team - Trish, Richard, Jo-Anne and Fred. We will be joining forces with them in some of our courses for 2011. The March, cosmos weekend will have Jo-Anne and Richard teaching a one-day writing course which will be a wonderful opportunity for would-be writers.

In April and May, David and Fred will present a two module Photographic and Travel writing course. Another new course for Creative Escapes.

In the mean time we leave for Kenya for two weeks and I will take my note books and sketch books and hope to gather new ideas for poems and short stories.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Of Lectures & meetings

Last Thursday I attended a lecture at the Rand Club by Jo-Anne and Richard. Chatting about books and what they contribute to our life - both in an ordinary sense as well as a writing sense was fascinating. As we sat in a library of the Rand Club filled with fusty books and after a well needed sip or two of sherry and a word or two with like-minded people, I thought of all the other dignitaries who had graced the room. Most of them would have fainted if they had seen the women walking up the main staircase having walked through the main entrance. I certainly had a quiet smile on my face as a glanced around the reception area.

On one of the library tables I saw several copies of the New Contrast magazine where a few of my poems have been accepted and printed. I confess that I did peek to see if they really did sit on the pages as they do in my copies back at home. And of course they do - there they are comfortable in black and white.

It was a treat to talk to Jo-Anne and RIchard. The last time I met Jo-Anne 'in person' was when her first book was launched. I am pleased to say she is still writing and enjoying her craft. I then met both of them through their website as I submitted a short story and was kindly 'critted' by them.

I also had conversation with a British silk who visits his wife who is presenting journalism courses at Wits. I was delighted when he offered to buy her a drink - gave the waiter money to pay for it and she in turn gave him money back - 'He's a kept man in South Africa' she retorted.

Trish - with whom I have long been corresponding, was someone else I met and we plan another less formal coffee date soon. She recognised me from the Facebook activity we share. Whoever thinks that the social media doesn't work is so wrong!

I plan to do the correspondence course I think. It should be stimulating and challenging. www.allaboutwritingcourses.com. Why don't you try one too? Let me know how you progress.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Well, it looks as if we are closer to having a cover than ever before.

Elizabeth indicated that all her ideas were not working and yet we have a few to look at and choose from.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Thoughts New Designs

After writing and completing a book there seems to be a hiatus. I have several THOUGHTS in my mind, but little written.

Sometimes other projects take president - working on exhibitions, other creativity and even family events. Although I am seldom daunted by the apparent lack of actual words. The creative spirit that abounds will have me sitting with pen in hand before I know it!

And anyway - photos and images are a great source of inspiration!

Monday, April 26, 2010


It is interesting how once a book is 'handed over' to 'the publisher' everything [except the writing process] is taken out of the author's hands.

Now I have 'taken the book back' so to speak and have removed it from the 'publisher' who fell off the planet between January and now. What I do not understand is the lack of communication that occurs. It seems that people simply think it is alright not to communicate about the book which they raved about a few months before.

I think that sort of behaviour is unprofessional, rude and simply out of line especially as I have offers for not one but three book launches!

So now Elizabeth and I have taken the book back. I am doing final editing and will hand it over to her. Fortunately enough time has elapsed for me to be distant from the text and so can be more objective. Elizabeth will in turn will do the alterations and final copy and we will have the book published at last.

Watch this space for further news on ' Sketch Your Year in Poetry'.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


It's all very well when people say that travel is a great way to be stimulated enough to write but I find that often it is too busy and noisy. Whether it is the actual travel or simply the busy-ness of being in a new place.

I find the best part is simply being still at home. As I look through notes and papers - THAT'S when the ideas begin to flow, words begin to float around and wait to be captured.

The BLOG is a great way to form ideas [even if they are not written] as writing to the screen is almost like automatic writing. A good way to focus.

The Kindle that David gave me for Christmas has been/is the most fantastic gift. Instead of my usual panic to choose books to take away I simply loaded books onto the Kindle and had 24 ready and waiting for my holiday read. No weight and instant reading matter.

The interesting thing is that I chose some books that I would certainly not purchase, but to my surprise enjoyed. Although it is rather frustrating that we cannot download all the Kindle books available and some authors are not 'e-booked' yet Kindle is a great new toy to carry around with you. Do you think Amazon will pay me advertising???