Monday, November 22, 2010

A Poetry Reading

It's all very well having a launch - and while I really don't mind talking to and interacting with people, in fact I really enjoy it, the very thought of presenting one's 'own work' is another story altogether.

Daunting is the word I use. But, the launch is set - for 1 December 2010. At Love Books [if you would like to join us please respond 'tout suite' as we need numbers for catering].

What wonderful support I've had from friends far and near. My overseas pals have sent such wonderful encouraging notes. Many of my 'here' friends are joining me for the launch. I have decided to have a small 'event' with candles, flowers, good 'finger food' [not fingers] and of course good wine - oh, not forgetting real lemonade for those who don't imbibe. Perhaps there will even be a surprise or two.

A great friend of mine - who is also a calligrapher and writer [much more famous than I] will sit with me as I read a few chosen poems. This I have been told is expected, the poetry reading that is. We will hopefully discuss them and the creative process as well.

So I leave now, to choose the poems and make sure I know what I'm trying to do. I add a photograph of myself on the dunes at De Hoop - the freedom of the air and sea is what I wish for you.

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