Thursday, November 4, 2010

Of Books and Publishers

Well at last my book is at the printers. People always talk about a book being like giving birth. Well giving birth may well be what I've done over the last few years - more like having a baby elephant really.

The to-ing and fro-ing, from publisher to book designer, to book cover designer [both of those happened to be my children - Elizabeth and John respectively]. Oh and don't forget the editors [yes, more than one]. In fact once you hand your book over to 'the other side' [hear spooky music] it is no longer yours and you as author had better realise that very quickly!

I suppose it's a Good Thing, because the poems are no longer your own once they have been 'sent out there'. They become the readers very own. AND that is one thing that authors should realise very quickly. Once the book is out of your hands it is not longer your own and so I suppose that makes any criticisms that much easier to accept.

The launch of the book will be in the first week of December so please keep your eyes open for 'Sketch Your Year in Poetry' soon after that.

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