Thursday, January 3, 2013

Creative Journals

Every year I create a journal/diary which is important for me to make notes on creative thoughts, ideas, colours, words and so on.

This year I was given a ready-made journal by my friend Sam who is also a writing partner. So instead of creating backgrounds with pages that need binding I had an 'almost complete' book.

The exciting thing is that now I don't have to do the 'heavy' work and simply need to create designs, add ideas and of course write.

I use many prompts for the 'muse to descend'. Oracle cards, poetry, Pinterest [of course] together with walks, found articles from nature and anything else that will help me start creating.

 Front Cover - altered to fit in with my personal likes
 Adding lines, writing and colour to the background
Some of the materials I use: watercolours, pencil crayons, prompt cards

These are the first few pages of this 2013 diary. I hope you start one too.

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