Friday, May 25, 2012

Writing Courses

I signed up for a writing course in May and have been writing, reading and researching ever since. I love the 'challenge' of finding the right word and finding out when to stop and when to edit.

The Get Smarter non-fiction course has stimulated me into finding my story which although very simple, is keeping me digging and delving.

As I travel to Namibia for ten days, I've had to complete writing projects and upload them to fulfill my writing commitments. We also have to 'crit' other students work. While I am a teacher and used to commenting on work and having my own work commented on, some of the crits leveled at my work made me want to slit my wrist at worst and simply not engage in the 'buddy-buddy' exchanges at best. It seems that others need to thrust hard and sharp at other people's work without any constructive suggestions. Not my idea of fun.

Fortunately there is a very sensible IT boff who assists my limited confidence in uploading work to the site. He suggested that I focus on our mentor Mike Nichol, who is sensitive and objective in his comments and forget the snide unproductive remarks from others less qualified. As that was what I decided after the initial shock I have settled well into the challenge of writing the required assignments.

There is another 2000 word assignment waiting on my return, but with Namibia's open skies and Desert Elephants pending, hopefully creativity will bubble and words will pour onto keys on my return.

Desert Elephants - Demaraland

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