Sunday, May 29, 2011

Writers' Workshops

I've been fortunate enough to attend two weekends of writer's workshops. The first one with Dorian Haarhoff, long time friend and mentor. We met, a group of us to form the our portion of a book of short story memoirs which will be published in October.

Candles, Coffee and Creativity
Five of us met for two days to delve into our memory bank of childhood experiences and adult journeys. A wonderful way to share, remember and create. We meet twice and have personal mentoring from Dorian. I find that when 'pushed' for stories and date lines are set I write, write, write. A good thing indeed.

I was invited to participate in a writer's conference this weekend. Mixing with other authors, writers and young people is a great way to find inspiration and new thought patterns.
Teaching is also a wonderful way to become inspired by the people around you.

Reading from Sketch Your year in Poetry

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