Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Working to deadline is always a challenge. One that I really enjoy. I am then able to put pen to paper, or finger to keyboard and write through almost any disturbance.

I remember a photograph of a journalist friend of mine sitting in the middle of a war zone - Beirut I think - with his typewriter on a broken table batting the keys to get the story out. Rubble and smoke behind him. No mobiles or computers then. His forehead wrinkled, eyes focussed on the paper in the typewriter, words pouring from his fingers.

That's the dedication a writer needs. Hopefully I won't ever find myself writing in a war zone.

At Rose Cottage we are as far from a war zone as possible but words do flow here with pencil, paper and computer.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, October 3, 2011

Poetry and People

Some years ago I joined a correspondence course for poets. My writing partner was Graham. As writers do we shared many moments of creativity and enjoyed the interaction of our email conversations.

David and I love Namibia and had an exquisite journey to Antarctica. Graham has a home in Namibia and has travelled to the other desert, Antarctica.

He and I have only ever met over e-mail and friends who keep us informed of our respective creative journeys.

We go to Kenya often and on one of our trips we had a musician and singer Gisela de Villiers in our group. One evening in the Masai Mara, Gisela sang the hymn Amazing Grace. The bush lit by the full moon, echoed with her voice accompanied by the call of hyena and grunt of hippo.

Dorian - who is a writer, poet and friend - sent me a mail about Graham's new poetry CD. His poems set to music and the singer and composer is Gisela and will be performed in Stellenbosch. David and I will be in Stellenbosch on the night of the first performance.

Perhaps Graham and I will eventually meet.

Do you think there is a poem or story here?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Friday, July 1, 2011

Writing and Listening

On one of the coldest Saturday evenings of the year so far, we were guests at the Sunday Times literary awards. As we walked up the red carpet I wondered what the nominees must feel. Luckily I had no such 'flutter', but did meet authors and winners, chatted to truck drivers, teachers and TV presenters. Interacted with judges, journalists and comedians. The world is a fascinating place. Writers can be humble, excited, erudite and speechless. In fact human they are indeed!

In the compilation I am part of with Dorian Haarhoff as our editor, I am intrigued by the interaction of women to women and the importance of a title for the book. E-mails flew in space from one screen to another with very definite statements from a bunch of very strong women. The final title? Wait and see - certainly the editor [brave man] will have the final say.

My three pieces have been submitted and accepted by the editor. I wait to hear how much editing I still have to do. However the impetus of the deadlines has propelled me into a writer's flow. Long may it last.

We visited Namibia  - the north-west corner - at the Kunene River where we were able to interact with the local Himba people. A humbling and eye-opening few days.

With the image below, write using the following sentence as your cue:

She gazes through the windscreen down the ashy road and wonders................

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Writers' Workshops

I've been fortunate enough to attend two weekends of writer's workshops. The first one with Dorian Haarhoff, long time friend and mentor. We met, a group of us to form the our portion of a book of short story memoirs which will be published in October.

Candles, Coffee and Creativity
Five of us met for two days to delve into our memory bank of childhood experiences and adult journeys. A wonderful way to share, remember and create. We meet twice and have personal mentoring from Dorian. I find that when 'pushed' for stories and date lines are set I write, write, write. A good thing indeed.

I was invited to participate in a writer's conference this weekend. Mixing with other authors, writers and young people is a great way to find inspiration and new thought patterns.
Teaching is also a wonderful way to become inspired by the people around you.

Reading from Sketch Your year in Poetry

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cosmos Weekend - March 2011 - Time to Write and Ponder

We had a wonderful weekend in the Eastern Free State with beautiful weather and great photographic and writing opportunities.

Richard and Jo-Anne of allaboutwriting (for further, joined the writers for a day workshop at Rose Cottage.

Jo-Anne & Richard

We were given great pointers on how to craft a story from scene plotting, to how to add 'drama' and dialogue. Discussion time was followed by writing time which was followed by crafting time and of course, time to view the cosmos fields.
A-M and Sam - 'Writers in the Field'

We will add our stories to these pages so that they are able to be read and discussed.

Writing Prompt:

Surrounded by friends in the dining room the young girl looks up and sees an owl fly across the open door. She gets up and walks into the cosmos filled night garden....................  

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Time away

Travel is an excellent way to get out of comfort zone and what I call 'easy' space. Being away for ten days enables one to reassess and relook at writing.

Meeting new people is an ideal opportunity to take of new characters, situations and situations.

I have also had the opportunity to try out my new iPad which works like a dream and makes me wonder how I ever managed without it.

I met a friend of mine at the airport - he 'popped' in to see me and we had a great breakfast together talking writing of all sorts.

Writing prompt:

The windscreen sparkled as the lights flashed by. Would I reach the airport in time?
Write a few follow-up photographs.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another Week

Last week was more discussion than writing. Old photographs were tenderly pulled out of envelopes and stories wove from lips to paper in intense interplay.

Our reference was the Cavafy poem on Ithaca. A poem of travel and journey. One that all of us encounter in one way or another.

'Have Ithaca always in your mind. Your arrival there is what you are destined for. But don't in the least hurry the journey. Better it last for years'..........

Write a few sentences about yourself: When you were age 12, 18, 30 and now. Write in the third person.

Taken from a hill in Dullstroom Mmpumalanga

May your journey be long and filled with adventure.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Memories & Moments continued

The evocation of memories is not something magical or even very difficult - a photograph, a song, a scent can send one on a wonderful meander through memory lane.

This past week the group fingered photographs which crumbled on the edges and filtered memories through the years. Memories which may even have been a figment of our imagination.

With St Valentine's day off the 2011 calendar already, why not write about a 'love-moment' you have experienced or perhaps use the prompt below?

As he gave me the rose, he turned and walked down the gravel path.............................

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Memoirs & Moments

Well the creativity has begun and Wednesday mornings will be filled with the sound of pencil on paper for the next few weeks.

Czeslaw Milosz write and Nobel prizewinner, who died at 94 said: 'I lived in a time when huge change in the contents of the human imagination was occuring.........  This was the starting point of the Wednesday Memoir and Moments writing group.

After reading more of the quotation we settled into discussion and some quiet writing time.

From there we did a 'pencil labyrinth' walk with more discussion and writing and finally did a quick 'Intention collage' for our writing in the next few weeks. The group left stimulated and prepared to write, write and write some more.

Writing exercise:
She strolled down the path. As the pebbles crunched beneath her sandals she heard .................

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wednesday Morning Writing

Most exciting the new writing group starts on Wednesday 2 February!

We will start with the simplest of prompts and exercises which will start our journey into the marvelous jumble of letters which help us form words and eventually sentences that people actually want to read!

From colour to words, from words to sentences and then eventually a whole page of our own creative writing. Regular prompts and updates will be added. Try the one below.

Write about:
1. As I walked in the garden I saw a rose. I remembered the day........................

Monday, January 3, 2011

Two New Writing Courses - Poetry & Memoirs

Greetings and a very happy and creative 2011 to you!

Many people have asked about 'writing courses'. Many of us have done more than one! Here are two that might interest you: One on Memoirs & Moments which is 10 weeks long spread from January to July and one on Poetry, a short, succinct four week course which starts on 26 January.
Booking for both courses is essential.
Please contact Anne-Marie should you be interested at

Moments & Memoirs: BEGINS MONDAY 24 JANUARY 2011
Monday mornings: 09h30 to 12h00
Cost: R1,200.00 for the course
OPTIONAL: June Weekend Away: R2,200 per person sharing

Take a thought and a family. A photograph and a snatch of conversation. Weave these snippets together to create a treasure of lasting memories.

Weeks 1 – 2 - January 24, 31
How Far are we from Home?
A look at Ancestors and Heritage
Weeks 3-5 - February 14, 21
Who ate my chocolate?
Family Myths and Fables
Week 6 - 7 - March 14, 21
Dancing in the Rain.
Love and Friendships
Week 8 - April 11
Family Traditions
Week 9 - May 16
Taste and Style
Food and Fashion

OPTIONAL: Weekend Away: 16 – 20 June R2,200.00 per person sharing
Explore the Memory, Remember the Moment

Week 10 - July 4
Another Road to Take
This is just the beginning

POETRY COURSE: Sketch Your Year in Poetry
Since my poetry book has been published, there has been interest in a poetry writing course and I have compiled one based on my book 'Sketch Your Year in Poetry'.

The course begins on Wednesday 26 January for four consecutive weeks at my studio 4 Sixth Street Houghton from 9h30 - 12h00.
Sketch Your Year in Poetry
A four morning course which will help aspiring poets to begin the journey of words.
R800 for the course plus R130 for 'Sketch your Year in Poetry'

Week 1 - 26 January
The Root and the Word

Week 2 - 3 February
Free Writing and Prompts

Week 3 - 9 February
From Pantoum to Haiku

Week 4 - 16 February
And the Poetry starts here

I look forward to hearing from you.