Saturday, November 7, 2009

Of Book Covers and Designers

Something I have found fascinating is that once a book is written and you hand over the manuscript, it is out of the author's hands! Just like that.

While the cover has been designed I have had a great deal of say - colour, swirls and even letter font, but in reality I think the editor and designer have been pandering to the 'artist' in me!

The cover has now been decided and a few books have been printed for 'critiquing' - not friends of course, because they are too kind [or could be] but 'outsiders'. I sit in trepidation for the comments.

One piece of good news is that two of my poems have been accepted for the literary magazine New Contrast. So, this wife and mother sits in the illustrious company of Masters in English and Professors! What fun.

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