It is interesting how once a book is 'handed over' to 'the publisher' everything [except the writing process] is taken out of the author's hands.
Now I have 'taken the book back' so to speak and have removed it from the 'publisher' who fell off the planet between January and now. What I do not understand is the lack of communication that occurs. It seems that people simply think it is alright not to communicate about the book which they raved about a few months before.
I think that sort of behaviour is unprofessional, rude and simply out of line especially as I have offers for not one but three book launches!
So now Elizabeth and I have taken the book back. I am doing final editing and will hand it over to her. Fortunately enough time has elapsed for me to be distant from the text and so can be more objective. Elizabeth will in turn will do the alterations and final copy and we will have the book published at last.
Watch this space for further news on ' Sketch Your Year in Poetry'.